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2015 Shelter Project

After searching long and hard for a truly needy family, we've found one. One that desperately needs a new home as their current home is a dilapidated nepa hut with dirt flooring and bedding on the ground.

The story of the family is a true tragedy, as those affected by the series of unfortunate events are children, four of them. When the first negative event occurred the youngest was just four months old.

Instead of trying to recreate their story, I felt it best to leave it in the words of their cousin who is, along with her extended family, trying their best to provide for these four children.

Here is the story of Crystal, Crisper Jules, Dominic and Danica Frances Respicio:

"Devencio Respicio (deceased), a native of Piddig, and Mary Ann Simon from Laoag, got married in the year 2000. They had 4 children, namely: Crystal, Crisper Jules, Dominic, and Danica Frances. Life of this young family wasn't easy. The father was a farmer, but doesn't own any parcel of land. He use to work for farm owners and get paid, a pay which was barely enough for his family’s needs. Mary Ann worked in a store to help meet their necessities. Life, perhaps, could have been better if their father was not a drunkard.

As a result of the addiction of alcohol and difficult life, Devencio and Mary Ann used to quarrel almost every day. Children’s schooling was affected. They sometimes would remove themselves from school. Mary Ann then decided, in 2004, to work in Manila and tried to apply as a domestic helper in Hong Kong so they could avoid fighting. She left the kids to her parents, Rodrigo and Rosalia; they are in their 60’s already. The children were at the age of 7, 6, 2, and the youngest being 4 months old.

As days passed, they were not receiving any supplication for the children, not even a single call from Mary Ann. Since Devencio was not fully dedicated as being a responsible father, the guardianship for the children was left to Rodrigo and Rosalia, their grandparents. They raised the kids giving all they can to provide their needs. Since Rodrigo is a carpenter, his humble income cannot provide all his family’s needs including the young children’s.

All they know about Mary Anne is she left already for Hong Kong but unfortunately she wasn't able to go because she met Ronald delos Reyes in Manila and they fell in love with each other and started building a family. Mary Ann called her mother (Rosalia) just to inform them that she is pregnant and don’t have the opportunity to go abroad anymore. Mary Ann didn't come back in Laoag Ilocos Norte for 10 years because she already has her 2nd family in Manila and gave birth to three more children. She’s not giving any amount of money to raise her four children in Laoag because life in Manila is not easy as well.

Devencio (first husband) didn’t know any of these things with Mary Ann. He went to his hometown and was not very responsible being a father. He would come to see the children at least once every two months to give something not even enough for a three-day supply for the kids. Years passed by he stopped giving money for his children until such time Rodrigo and Rosalia didn't hear any news about Devencio.

Janette, the youngest sister of Mary Ann (the mother) stopped schooling when she finished her 1st year in college in the year 2007 just to help send her nephews and nieces to school until she never had the chance to continue her studies. As days passed by we see her spending her life working for the needs of the four children and for her mother and father (Rosalia and Rodrigo), her family.

Cecilia, the eldest sister of Mary Ann also helps to provide the needs of the four siblings when they need to enroll in school. She provided school materials and some clothes for them.On March 16, 2012 the family was shocked when their neighbor, who is a relative of Devencio, told them that he died that day. He was murdered by a drunken neighbor who almost cut Devencio’s head off which caused his death. Naturally the children are very grievous when they hear the news and want justice for their father but they will never get justice because the criminal gave money to the the mother of Devencio as a payment of what he did and so the murderer was not jailed.

The children have lived without parents for more than 10 years because Mary Ann has never came back to support them and they don’t have a father to provide their needs so until this year 2014 they lived in the care of their grandparents. Janette is still working and doing her best to support them and her parents in her little income. Two of the children are now in grade school (Dominic and Danica), one in High School (Jules), and Crystal their older sister graduated already in High school and she didn't continue her studies in college because she doesn't have enough money to go in a University or just in vocational school."

ACTION HUMANITARIAN is in the process of building the four siblings a house they can call their own. One that will withstand the constant battering of typhoons that make landfall each year in the Philippines. Just like Yolanda and Ruby right now.

We are asking anyone with means to donate whatever you can so we can complete this home for this family. Since we have no overhead, 100% of your donations go to the cost of building this home. We have informed the family that we will provide all the materials and in return they are required to provide all labor, either by their own hands or with the help of volunteers. Of course they have agreed to these terms and are ecstatic that they have been chosen. Since we are a 501(c)3 registered nonprofit organization your donation (no matter the amount) is tax deductible.

It will cost us approximately $3,500 to purchase all materials for this home.

We appreciate your support and generosity. Any amount we receive in excess of the $3,500 will be used for future projects.

To donate simply follow this link:

With Typhoon Ruby making landfall many are once again left with the prospect of rebuilding. We plan to help as many of the most affected in the coming months by building more permanent homes. We will send updates as we find more candidates for new homes.

Attached is a picture of three of the siblings (the oldest is away living iwht a friend since as there is no room for here in the hut) and their grandparents. From left to right is Crisper Jules, Dominic, and Danica.

We hope you have a great day!

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